About Us

Our Vision

We see a time when Healthcare is a healthy place for workers, and as a result, a healthy place for patients as well.

A time when staff love their work, feel empowered coming to work and fulfilled going home from work.

Our Mission

To help healthcare leaders engage their staff and promote a  healthy workplace environment.

Engaged Healthcare Logo with name on side.

Our Story

Healthcare is in a tough place right now.  Budgets are tight, staff are exhausted both mentally and physically, leading to burnout and distress that is causing healthcare organizations to hemorrhage staff faster than new ones can be infused.

I started thinking about what I do as a clinical educator at a small healthcare organization … What parts of my job are positively impacting my organization?  And can the concepts be adapted to fit a wider healthcare audience?

One of the classes I teach is for new preceptors.  In it, students learn the basics of setting expectations, teaching adults, coaching, giving feedback, evaluation and communication. 

It is my favorite class to teach because it has such a positive impact on staff.  So, setting up a similar class that could be shared throughout any healthcare organization became the initial offering for the newly minted Engaged Healthcare.

Next up … annual education.  I still shudder when I remember the moment I realized things needed to change …

I was standing in front of 16 nurses, getting ready to “teach” them things they already knew.  They didn’t want to be there, and neither did I.  But it was regulatory education that had to be taught … every year.

I knew their had to be a better way.

After years of searching, while dreading annual education days every year, I was blessed to be a part of an innovative team that looked at teaching in a whole new way.

Why teach people things they already know when what we really want is to be sure they remember.  Enter the world of gamification.

Games allow you to check for knowledge in a fun and engaging way.  Then when you identify a knowledge gap, you can fill it right then without subjecting everyone to learning things they already know.

I was delighted!  Now, I’m teaming up with talented educators who share my vision and want to help other organizations develop engaging ways to present healthcare education.

Headshot of KM

Hi!  My name is Karen Molander and I’m the Founder of Engaged Healthcare.  Together with a team of talented educators and instructional designers, I want to help you fill your healthcare education needs.