This one thing will ease the anxiety of new employees.

Did you know you can buy a house on Amazon?

It’s true…

…you can buy a DIY house on Amazon.

Some of the houses I saw had low ratings so I checked the reviews and found that in some, the houses came with the instructions completely missing!

I don’t know about you, but I would be lost putting together a house (or even a shed) from a bunch of pre-fab pieces without instructions.

And apparently, many purchasers felt the same way – hence the low ratings.

So what does this have to do with the healthcare workplace?

No, I don’t see us building hospitals or clinics ordered from Amazon anytime soon. 😉

But think back to the last time you started a new job…

What did you experience that made you comfortable?  Or a anxious and uncomfortable?

I have found that one of the most important things to decrease anxiety for a person starting a new job is to have clear expectations and instructions lined out for them.

What are they expected to do?  Where do they find the things they need?  Are there written instructions for complex processes?

And the list goes on…

Having clear instructions can make the difference between success and failure for new employees – especially those starting a role for the first time.

So what type of instructions do you have for your new employees?  Are the expectations and instructions clear?

Do you have complex processes that do not have instructions?  If so, you are not alone.

Many healthcare organizations have policies and procedures for many processes but have others with missing or outdated instructions.

So, today I’d like to challenge you to find one thing in your workplace that needs a new or improved, clearly written process to make your new employee’s lives better… even a non-official written workflow can help new employees have a smoother transition.

So get ready… set your expectations… and happy hiring!

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