Create Your Roadmap to Success in 3 Steps

It’s almost February – How are you doing with your 2024 Goals and New Year’s Resolutions?  I have trouble with New Year’s resolutions.  When I’ve made them, they’ve often been vague with no clear path to success Or, I set goals so high that I’m paralyzed by the fear of failing (and yes, it’s taken a lot of work to admit that).

I’ve often chosen not to make New Year’s resolutions – but really, even if I don’t call them that, I find myself saying “This will be the year that I [fill in grand goal – get fit, build my business, etc., etc., etc.].

What about you?  Do you make New Year’s resolutions?  Or goals for the new year?  Did you make any this year? 

If you did … great!  You see the change you need to make.  And even if you’ve already had difficulty progressing toward your goal, it’s definitely not too late.  Instead, it’s time to create a roadmap showing you how to reach those goals.

So take one of your goals, then follow this 3 step process for building your roadmap to success.

Step 1

Figure out where you are now.  Have you already done some work toward your goal?  AWESOME!  Be sure to take credit for it. 

Start your roadmap by clearly documenting where you are – what steps you’ve already taken toward reaching your goal and what successes and challenges you’ve faced up until this point.  Feel free to use whatever media you like for this roadmap.  I’m a writer, so I like to write my roadmap out in the form of a victory log and checklists, but if you’re an artist and love to draw or paint, feel free to use that media for your roadmap.  Just be sure to allow yourself the freedom to switch media if you don’t have time to use your favorite.

Step 2

Figure out what needs to happen or change for you to get where you want to be.

This part will be a working document that may change as you learn more and experience unforeseen challenges.  But as far as you can see right now, document all of the steps you need to take to reach your goal.  Then list all of the barriers or challenges you know about that will try to keep you from your goal. Then list strategies to mitigate those barriers.

I know this is a lot, but it’s important to get the big picture recorded.  Important changes don’t happen overnight, so don’t get in a rush.  Take some time to think about the roadmap and get it all down in a place you can refer back to.  The tiny steps will add up.  😊

Step 3

Check in regularly (at least weekly) with your roadmap to see and record how far you’ve come.  During your check-ins record what you’ve done well with as well as where you’ve struggled.

Creating a timeline or progress tracker can also help you visualize your progress towards your goals.

Then, when you start to get discouraged, you can look back and see how far you’ve come, the struggles you’ve overcome, and those that still need work. 

Finally, remember to celebrate each success.  This will help to keep you motivated and on he road to reaching your goals.

Here’s to your success in 2024!

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